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Five Reasons Why Parking Lot Maintenance Should Be in Your Chicago Budget

If you consider the creation of your annual budget as the most enjoyable task of the entire year, you might be surprised to discover that the majority of your peers do not share your enthusiasm. Even if you do not find budgeting onerous, you may still struggle with certain line items, including your budget for parking lot maintenance. However, no matter how challenging you might find it, you definitely need to include routine maintenance for your parking lot in every budget you create. Five good reasons to do so are related to monetary savings, the local weather, legal issues, the way that others perceive your operation, and the safety of your parking lot.

How Can a Parking Lot Maintenance Budget Contribute to Monetary Savings?

Compared to what it costs to build or rebuild a parking lot, the amount that a parking lot maintenance company charges is a paltry sum. For a very economical price, parking lot maintenance services can maximize the useful life of your pavement, sometimes doubling or even tripling it. Furthermore, your repair costs will not be as expensive, and even minor repairs will be needed less often. Studies have proven that every dollar spent on parking lot maintenance services results in up to $10 in savings over the life of a pavement.

Why Do Weather Conditions Affect the Need for Parking Lot Maintenance?

Parking lot maintenance in Chicago is necessary to combat the local weather conditions, including the area’s typically harsh winters. Ice, snow, and freezing temperatures all take a toll on pavements. The chemicals used to melt ice and snow, prevent it from adhering to the pavement, or enhance traction can also inflict damage. Summer is no picnic for your pavement, either, between the sun, rain, and humidity. A professional Chicago parking lot maintenance program can help your pavement weather the weather. Simply stated, a well-maintained pavement is much more resistant to the elements.

What Is the Connection Between Legal Issues and Parking Lot Maintenance?

You are almost certainly aware of how building codes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, fire codes, and occupational safety laws affect your interior spaces. However, you might not realize that they can extend to your parking lot. Although the other laws and codes can include your parking lot, the greatest risks are related to ADA compliance. Accessible parking spaces require specific markings, and the pavement within them and along accessible routes must be free from defects that could be hazardous to those with mobility issues.

How Does Parking Lot Maintenance Affect the Perceptions of Others?

In all probability, you have heard some version advising against judging a book by its cover. However, that is precisely what many people do when they take a look at your parking lot. In their minds, a shabby parking lot is an indication of a poorly maintained interior. They may also decide that you cut corners, ignore details, and have little regard for your patrons and employees. You only have one opportunity to create a favorable first impression, and a local parking lot maintenance contractor can help you achieve that goal.

What Is the Link Between Parking Lot Safety and Parking Lot Maintenance?

As any experienced parking lot maintenance company can attest, a well-maintained pavement is safer for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers. An effective, professionally administered Chicago parking lot maintenance program can eliminate tripping hazards, reduce confusion, and help keep foot and vehicle traffic moving in an orderly fashion.

What Parking Lot Maintenance Services Are Required in Chicago?

For a definitive answer, you will need to ask a local parking lot maintenance professional to assess your specific pavement. However, Chicago parking lot maintenance plans usually include at least several of the following services.

1. High-quality parking lot striping and pavement markings help keep you legally compliant, boost your property’s curb appeal, and enhance safety.
2. Regular sealcoating applications are a virtual must-have in Chicago, providing protection for your pavement while simultaneously enhancing its appearance and safety.
3. Timely crack repairs can prevent more serious pavement damage from occurring. Crack repairs can also improve safety by eliminating potential tripping hazards.
4. Faded or damaged signs should be replaced or repaired as part of your ongoing Chicago parking lot maintenance plan. Severely damaged mounting poles should also be addressed.
5. Misaligned or broken car stops should be replaced to eliminate tripping hazards and potential damage to vehicles.
6. Standing water can be an unsightly inconvenience, but it can also pose a potential safety hazard. Furthermore, it can have a detrimental effect on the health of your pavement. Therefore, parking lot maintenance companies normally recommend including regular inspections of gutters, curbs, catch basins, and other drainage features. If issues are found, corrective action should be taken as soon as possible.

Since 1975, the mission of Black Hawk Paving & Construction has been to assist customers throughout the greater Chicago area obtain the best value for every dollar they invest in a parking lot. To accomplish our mission, we offer an extensive range of services, including the initial excavation and site grading. We also offer asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, asphalt and concrete repairs, asphalt milling, car stops, parking lot striping, hot crack sealing, asphalt sealcoating, concrete curbing, asphalt fabric, traffic signage, pavement markings, and sewer repairs. We are known for our craftsmanship, customer service, professionalism, and integrity. If you would like to request a free quote, submit our online form. If you prefer, you can email us at, or you can call us at 708-479-0400.

Five Reasons Why Parking Lot Maintenance Should Be in Your Chicago Budget