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How To Maximize Your Return With Parking Lot Maintenance

Paying a contractor to build a new parking lot is not an expense that you can take out of petty cash. Although an asphalt parking lot is not as expensive as a comparable concrete one, it is still a significant investment. If you want to maximize the return on this investment, you should consider the benefits of a parking lot maintenance program.

What Is a Parking Lot Maintenance Program?

A parking lot pavement maintenance program is a comprehensive set of procedures that can help you achieve several goals. It can minimize your repair bills, maximize your pavement’s life, enhance your parking lot’s safety, and boost your curb appeal. The best pavement maintenance plan is one that a reputable asphalt professional customizes just for you.

What Should a Contractor Include in My Parking Lot Maintenance Program?

Because parking lots are far from identical, your asphalt maintenance program should reflect the unique needs of your parking lot. Therefore, you might not need every procedure on the following list.

1. Parking Lot Sealcoat: Sealcoating offers several cosmetic benefits, but its major benefit is its ability to protect asphalt pavements from premature deterioration. By helping prevent vehicle fluids and UV rays from inflicting damage, sealcoating can dramatically reduce your need for pavement repairs.
2. Crack Repairs: Any reputable Chicago asphalt company can tell you that open cracks pose a serious threat to your pavement. Water that enters through the cracks can erode the pavement’s foundation and destabilize it. In the winter, the trapped water can freeze and expand in all directions, causing even more damage.
3. Pavement Marking and Striping: Visible, clean stripes and markings make your parking lot safer and more attractive. Some markings and stripes are required by law.
4. Parking Lot Sweeping: A professional sweeping service can remove dirt, grass clippings, trash, leaves, and other debris. Piles of debris can trap moisture against your pavement, increasing the chance of water penetration and potentially staining your pavement.
5. Miscellaneous: You should replace faded or damaged signs, and you may need to replace their poles. Misaligned or broken wheel stops pose tripping hazards, so replace those as well. Grates and gutters must remain clear so that runoff does not back up around their edges.

How Often Do I Need the Above Asphalt Maintenance Procedures?

The timing will depend on various factors, including the age of your parking lot, the number of vehicles it supports, and the weight of those vehicles. However, here are some estimates that may help you.

1. Parking Lot Sealcoat: Asphalt companies recommend sealing a new parking lot within its first year. Thereafter, have your contractor sealcoat your parking lot every 18 to 30 months.
2. Crack Repairs: When cracks develop, you should try to have your asphalt company repair them as soon as possible. It is a good idea to ask a trustworthy pavement maintenance contractor to identify and repair cracks every six months.
3. Pavement Marking and Striping: Most parking lots will need fresh paint about as often as they need seal coating. However, if you notice that paint is peeling or flaking, ask your contractor to repaint sooner.
4. Parking Lot Sweeping: It is really impossible to provide a meaningful estimate on this service. An employee parking lot may only need weekly or even monthly sweepings. On the other hand, an extremely busy mall may need two or three sweepings every day.
5. Miscellaneous: Most businesses can get by with annual replacements of parking lot signs. Because of the potential hazards they present, it is a good idea to identify and replace problematic wheel stops every three months. Your parking lot’s proximity to trees and shrubs will play a crucial role in how often you need to clean your gutters and drains. Typically, fall is the season in which most clogs occur.

Black Hawk Paving is a full-service asphalt company serving the greater Chicagoland area. Our services include sealcoating, asphalt paving, excavations, asphalt repair, site grading, car stops, asphalt milling, concrete curbing, hot crack sealing, concrete flatwork, asphalt fabric, parking lot striping, sewer repairs, pavement markings, and sewer repairs. We have a stellar reputation for workmanship and customer service. Our clients include local industrial and commercial operations as well as national chains. For a free quote, fill out our online form, or send an email to If you prefer to call us, please choose the phone number for the area in which you need our services. For Chicago, call 773-378-2390. For the southern suburbs, call 708-479-0400. For the northwest suburbs, call 847-240-2560.

How To Maximize your Return with Parking Lot Maintenace