Is It Time To Replace Your Chicago Illinois Concrete Parking Lot?
Illinois concrete parking lots are among the strongest around. Concrete is a resilient paving material that can withstand decades of traffic, making it a wise investment for industrial and commercial properties. But, like all things, there will come a time when your concrete parking lot needs replacement. In this blog, we’ll explore some telltale signs it’s time to invest in new parking lot construction to replace old surfaces.
Does Widespread Cracking or Faulting Indicate the Need Replacement?
Cracks and surface damage are normal, and skilled Chicago concrete contractors can address most issues as they arise. However, concrete eventually experiences so much damage that replacement becomes a more viable long-term solution.
Many factors will impact when parking lot construction gets to that point, including weather exposure and wear. Typically, surfaces over three decades old are at a higher risk of widespread damage, suffering from issues like:
• Significant cracking
• Freeze/thaw damage
• Exposed rebar
• Faulting between adjacent slabs
These issues could point to deeper underlying issues. Even with repairs by experts in Chicago concrete construction, damage can become a reoccurring issue. When Iconcrete parking lots reach that point, most concrete construction companies recommend replacement. While new concrete construction in Chicago is a bigger upfront investment, the long-term savings and reliability make replacement worth considering.
Can Poor Chicago Concrete Construction or a Lack of Repairs Shorten My Parking Lot’s Lifespan?
Low-quality construction from an inexperienced concrete construction company, incomplete repairs and overall neglect can take a toll on your parking lot over time. Issues can arise long after your Chicago concrete construction project ends. Poor sub-base preparation, incorrect material mixes and other common mistakes can cause damage to creep up over time.
The same goes for neglecting damage. Failing to address issues promptly can lead to worsening trouble. Water can seep into cracks, causing soil erosion beneath your parking lot and leading to structural failure. Your parking lot may also encounter drainage issues that slowly cause soil stability issues.
Whatever the case, major damage caused by improper concrete construction in Chicago or untimely repairs benefit from full replacement. A skilled concrete construction company can rebuild your lot from the ground up, erasing existing issues to give your property a clean slate and decades of reliability.
Should I Replace My Parking Lot If My Property’s Traffic Needs Change?
Of course, you don’t have to wait until significant damage occurs to decide on new parking lot construction or replacement. If your traffic needs or intended use change, replacing your parking lot to avoid potential safety issues later makes sense. Concrete construction companies engineer surfaces based on the traffic you expect your property to receive. Therefore, low-traffic parking lots are built much differently from those needing to support heavy-duty industrial equipment and vehicles.
Overloading concrete with more weight and stress than it’s built to accommodate will lead to significant damage, structural problems and potential liability issues. With new construction, Chicago concrete contractors can replace your old parking lot with a brand-new surface engineered with the load-bearing capacity your property needs.
If you’re unsure if replacing your Illinois concrete parking lot is the right move, turn to Black Hawk Paving for guidance. We’re experts in concrete construction in Chicago, bringing 50 years of experience to your project. As one of the area’s most trusted concrete construction companies, we’re well-equipped to meet your needs and guide you in the right direction. Our team can inspect your existing pavement, discuss your needs and help you decide if replacement is something your property can benefit from. If so, we’re ready to tackle the project and deliver your desired results. In addition to being the best Chicago concrete contractors around, we offer various services to commercial and industrial clients. You can turn to us for asphalt paving, sealcoating, repairs, maintenance, striping, traffic signage and more.
Let us show you why we’re the Midwest’s most reliable concrete construction company. Call Black Hawk Paving today at (708)554-6779, email or use our online contact form to get in touch and receive your free quote.